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photoshop tools and toolbar

An Overview on Adobe Photoshop Tools and Tool Shortcuts

Are you a finding Photoshop tutorial to start working with this excellent photo editing software? I will suggest you learn Photoshop tools and their uses first. Before start working with new software, you should be master its tools. Adobe Photoshop tools are very much friendly to work for photo post production. But you must have to know how Photoshop tool.

Table of Contents

Photoshop Tools in Toolbar:

This section discusses the Photoshop tools in toolbar, its default position, position customization, single and double column toolbar, and how to get back the Photoshop toolbar if it disappears.

Photoshop Tools in Toolbar Default Position:

When you open Adobe Photoshop, you will see a long bar aligning vertically left side. That is the default position. You can move it as you want.

Photoshop tools in tool bar

How to Move the Toolbar:

By default, the Photoshop toolbar is anchored with the software’s left side, but that’s not fixed. You can move the toolbar as per your need. To move the toolbar, you need to click on the lines above the move tool (see the screenshot below), hold the mouse’s left button, and then move.

How to Move the Toolbar

Now you can move the tool anywhere by the same process also anchor it again to the default position.

how to move photoshop tool bar

Double and Single Column Toolbar Photoshop CC:

Generally, we saw a single long column on the toolbar in Photoshop, but a double-column option will allow you to change it single and double. In this regard, you should click on the double arrow on the top of the toolbar.

double column photoshop tools in toolbar

If you click again, that will be single.

photoshop tools single column

How to add or Remove Tools in Photoshop CC:

If you want to add or remove any tools from the toolbar, that is possible on Photoshop cc versions only. Other versions down cc don’t allow you to do that. This is an extra advantage of Photoshop CC tools. To add or remove photoshop tools, you need to click on the right button on the three dots on the toolbar’s bottom side.

how to remove or add photoshop tools

Now you can see the following photo.

photoshop edit toolbar

Now click the left button on the edit toolbar a new popup window will open. Check the popup window and do what you want.

how to use photoshop tools add or remove tools in toobar

How to Get Toolbar Back in Photoshop:

If you notice that your Photoshop toolbar is disappeared, what should you do? It is very disappointing if the toolbar disappears when working with Photoshop. However, it is easy to get the toolbar back in Photoshop cc with a few clicks. First, click on the window from the top bar, then click on tools. Now you can see the toolbar again.

how to use photoshop tools get toolbar back
how to use photoshop tools get toolbar back 1

Photoshop Tools Default Layout and Tool Shortcut:

Look at the following photo where you will find photoshop tools default layout and shortcuts.

photoshop tools and tool shortcut in a photo

Also, there are some hidden tools on each tool. Every tool has its icon. We will learn about all of the Photoshop default tools as well as the hidden tools.

Hidden Tools in Photoshop CC Default Layout:

There are many hidden tools under the tools on the default layout. Now we get ideas about Photoshop CC hidden tools one by one.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Move Tool:

There is one hidden tool under the move tool. That is the Artboard Tool. You can find the hidden tool by clicking the right button on the down arrow in the default tool’s right corner.

photoshop cc hidden tools under move tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Marquee Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under marquee tool

There are four tools under this section rectangular marquee tool, Elliptical Marquee, Single Row Marquee, and Single Column Marquee Tool.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Lasso Tool:

Under Lasso Tool, you will find three tools Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso Tool.

photoshop cc hidden tools under lasso tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Quick Selection Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under selection tool

You will find one hidden tool under the quick selection tool that is Magic Wand Tool.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Crop Tool:

There are three hidden tools in Crop Tool; these are Perspective Crop Tool, Slice Tool, and Slice Select Tool.

photoshop cc hidden tools under crop tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Eyedropper Tool:

eyedropper tool

You will get total four tools, including Eyedropper in this section; Color Sampler, Ruler, and Note Tool.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Spot Healing Brush Tool:

In this tool, you will have Healing Brush, Patch, Content-Aware Move, and Red Eye Tool is hidden. All of these tools are called retouching tools.

photoshop cc hidden tools under healing tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Brush Tool

photoshop cc hidden tools under brush tool

You will get total four tools, including Eyedropper in this section; Color Sampler, Ruler, and Note Tool.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Clone Stamp Tool:

Clone Stamp and Pattern Stamp Tool are in one section, and here pattern stamp is hidden.

photoshop cc hidden tools under clone stamp tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under History Brush Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under history brush tool

In this section, History Brush is the default, and Art History Brush Tool is laid as hidden.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Eraser Tool:

Background Eraser and Magic Eraser Tool are laid as hidden under Eraser Tool.

photoshop cc hidden tools under eraser tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Gradient Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under gradient tool

Paint Bucket Tool is hidden under Gradient Tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Blur Tool:

Blur is one of the retouching tools of Adobe Photoshop; Sharpen and Smudge Tools are hidden under Blur Tool.

photoshop cc hidden tools under blur tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Dodge Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under Dodge Tool

There are two hidden tools under Dodge Tool, those are Burn Tool and Sponge Tool.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Pen Tool:

Pen tool is mostly used tools. There are five tools Freeform Pen Tool, Curvature Pen Tool, Add Anchor Point Tool, Delete Anchor Point Tool, and Convert Point Tools are laid as hidden tools in Pen Tool.

photoshop cc hidden tools under pen tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Horizontal Type Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under type tool

Horizontal Type Tool is the default tool for type in Photoshop. Vertical Type, Vertical Type Mask, and Horizontal Type Mask Tool are hidden here.

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Path Selection Tool:

Direct Selection Tool is hidden under Path Selection Tool. If you need to use this tool, you should right.

photoshop cc hidden tools under path selection tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Rectangle Tool:

photoshop cc hidden tools under rectangle tool

Rounded Rectangle Tool, Ellipse Tool, Triangle Tool, Polygon Tool, Line Tool, and Custom Shape Tool are laid as hidden under Rectangle Tool

Photoshop Hidden Tools under Hand Tool:

You will find Rotate View Tool hidden under Hand Tool.

photoshop cc hidden tools under hand tool

Photoshop Tools and Tool Shortcuts:

photoshop cc move tool

Move Tool (V)

The Move Tool is to move layers and selections in Photoshop document.

photoshop cc move artboard tool

Move Tool (V)

Artboard Tool lets you design multiple UX or web layouts for different devices and screen sizes.

rectangular marquee tool

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)

Rectangular Marquee Tool uses to rectangular selection outlines in Photoshop. Press and hold Shift key from the keyboard if you want to draw a perfect selection.

photoshop cc move tool

Move Tool (V)

The Move Tool is to move layers and selections in Photoshop document.

Elliptical Marquee Tool

Elliptical Marquee Tool (M)

Elliptical Marquee Tool is for drawing elliptical selection outlines in Photoshop. Press and hold Shift key from the keyboard if you want to draw a perfect selection.

Single Row Marquee Tool

Single Row Marquee Tool

In Adobe Photoshop Single Row Marquee Tool helps to select a single row in an image horizontally.

Single Column Marquee Tool

Single Column Marquee Tool

Single Column Marquee Tool uses to select a column vertically.

photoshop cc Lasso Tool

Lasso Tool (L))

Lasso Tool uses to create a freeform selection around any object of a photo layer.

photoshop cc polygonal Lasso Tool

Polygonal Lasso Tool (L)

By Polygonal Lasso Tool, you can click around a photo or its objects and select the area.

adobe photshop cc magnetic lasso tool

Magnetic Lasso Tool (L)

Magnetic Lasso Tool is handy to select an object’s edges as you move the mouse cursor around it.

Quick Selection Tool

Quick Selection Tool (W)

Quick Selection Tool helps to select an object very quickly by painting with a brush. You can use this tool for creating a simple path over any photo.

Magic Wand Tool

Magic Wand Tool (W)

Magic Wand Tool works magically. It selects a similar color in a single click, and you can set the tolerance value from the Options Bar.

photoshop cc Crop Tool

Crop Tool (C)

In Photoshop, the Crop Tool applies to remove unwanted areas. This tool also helps us to resize an image.

Perspective Crop Tool

Perspective Crop Tool (C)

Perspective Crop Tool is a hidden tool under crop tool. You can use this tool for both crop and fix perspective problems.

Slice Tool

Slice Tool (C)

Slice Tool is also hidden under crop tool. It can divide a photo or a layout into small slices, which can export and optimize individually.

Slice Select Tool

Slice Select Tool (C)

Slice Select Tool lies under the toolbar’s crop tool, and this tool uses to select, resize, and move the slices.

photoshop cc Eyedropper Tool

Eyedropper Tool (I)

Photoshop Eyedropper Tool uses to get a color sample from a photo. If you want to use a specific color for your design, click on the color by eyedropper tool and use that color where you want.

photoshop cc Color Sampler Tool

Color Sampler Tool (I)

Color Sampler Tool is hidden under the eyedropper tool. It plays color values for chosen (sampled) area of a photo, and you can get a color sample maximum of four times.

photoshop cc Ruler Tool

Ruler Tool (I)

Ruler Tool is an advanced Photoshop tool. If you need to measure distance, angle, and location, you should use the Ruler Tool. This great tool gives you exact result for positioning you elements in photo layers.

photoshop cc Note Tool

Note Tool (I)

The note is another excellent Photoshop Tool permits you to add text notes to Photoshop document.

adobe photshop cc Spot Healing Brush Tool

Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)

Spot Healing Brush is a retouching tool in Adobe Photoshop. This tool quickly fix spots, blemishes, and other small problems and removes them from a photo.

adobe photshop cc Healing Brush Tool

Healing Brush Tool (J)

You can fix large problem areas of a photo using the Healing Brush tool. Hold Alt for windows and Option for Mac and click anywhere you want to get sample texture and paint over the area you want to fix.

adobe photshop cc patch tool

Patch Tool (J)

Patch Tool is for drawing a freeform selection around a bad part of a photo. Then drag the selection area on the good part of your image. It will fix the problem automatically using the source and the selected surface.

adobe photshop cc Content Aware Move Tool

Content-Aware Move Tool (J)

Content-Aware Move Tool is also regarded as retouching Photoshop Tool. This tool selects and moves apart from a photo to another area when you select a damaged part of an image and move in a good area using Photoshop Content-Aware Move Tool to fix the problem automatically.

adobe photshop cc Red Eye Tool

Red Eye Tool (J)

Red Eye Tool applies to fix the common red-eye effect. If you can be an expert with this Photoshop tool, you can remove the red-eye effect from a photo correctly.

adobe photshop Brush Tool

Brush Tool (B)

Photoshop Brush Tool is a painting tool. Brush uses to paint color strokes to a part of a photo layer.

adobe photshop Pencil Tool

Pencil Tool (B)

Pencil Tool is hidden under Brush Tool. It is a drawing tool. This virtual pencil will allow you to draw lines, design, and artwork.

adobe photshop Color Replacement Tool

Color Replacement Tool (B)

Using Color Replacement Tool, you can replace one color with a different one very quickly.

adobe photshop Mixer Brush Tool

Mixer Brush Tool (B)

Mixer Brush reproduces realistic painting systems, such as mixing the colors on a canvas, mingling colors on a brush, and differing paint wetness over the stroke.

adobe photshop cc Clone Stamp Tool 1

Clone Stamp Tool (S)

Clone Stamp Tool is one of the basic retouching tools in Adobe Photoshop, and you can repair any damages with this Photoshop tool. It takes sample pixels of one area from a photo and paints them in another bad area.

adobe photshop cc Pattern Stamp Tool 1

Pattern Stamp Tool (S)

Pattern Stamp Tool is to paint one pattern over a photo.

photoshop cc History Brush Tool 1

History Brush Tool (Y)

History Brush tool allows bringing back a part of an image to its earlier history.

adobe photshop cc Art History Brush Tool 1

Art History Brush Tool (Y)

Photoshop Art History Brush tool paints by a simulated stroke, with a particular history’s source data.

photoshop cc Eraser Tool 1

Eraser Tool (E)

Erase tool uses to remove pixels from a layer. It is like a brush tool, and you can change the size and hardness. It helps erase unwanted pixels permanently.

adobe photshop Background Eraser Tool 1

Background Eraser Tool (E)

You can use Background Eraser Tool to any unwanted areas of an image background. You can also remove similar colors in a photo painting them.

adobe photshop Magic Eraser Tool 1

Magic Eraser Tool (E)

Magic Eraser Tool can delete similar colors of pixels from a photo with a single click. It is almost identical to Magic Wand Tool, but it permanently removes the selected areas.

adobe photshop cc Gradient Tool

Gradient Tool (G)

Gradient Tool uses to create gradual blends between several colors. The Gradient Editor allows you generate and modify required gradients.

adobe photshop cc Paint Bucket Tool

Paint Bucket Tool (G)

Paint Bucket Tool fills up an area with a color which you set in the Foreground color section. The Tolerance value decides the range of colors around the room.

adobe photshop Blur Tool

Blur Tool

The Blur Tool softens and blurs the areas you paint over by the tool.

adobe photshop Sharpen Tool

Sharpen Tool

Sharpen tool uses to sharp a selected area. You just paint with the tool over your desired space.

adobe photshop Smudge Tool

Smudge Tool

Photoshop Smudge Tool uses to smudge and spread the area of a photo layer you paint over with it. It also uses to generate finger painting.

photoshop cc Dodge Tool

Dodge Tool (O)

If you paint Dodge Tool over any areas of an image, it will lighten them.

adobe photshop Burn Tool

Burn Tool (O)

Burn Tool is opposite to Dodge Tool. If you paint Burn Tool over any areas of an image, it will darken them.

adobe photshop Sponge Tool

Sponge Tool (O)

If you want to increase or decrease color saturation, just paint over the areas with the Sponge Tool.

adobe photshop Pen Tool

Pen Tool (P)

Photoshop Pen Tool allows you to draw clipping paths, vector outlines, and selections.

adobe photshop Freeform Pen Tool

Freeform Pen Tool (P)

The Freeform Pen Tool enables easy drawing vector shapes and paths by adding anchor points in an automatic way.

adobe photshop Add Anchor Point Tool

Add Anchor Point Tool

Add Anchor Point Tool helps to add extra anchor points in a path.

adobe photshop Delete Anchor Point Tool

Delete Anchor Point Tool

This tool uses to delete an anchor point from a path. If you want to eliminate an extra anchor point from a path then use Delete Anchor Point Tool.

adobe photshop Convert Point Tool

Convert Point Tool

Convert Point is a Photoshop Tool that edits existing vector shape masks and paths by converting smooth anchor points to corner anchor points.

adobe photshop Horizontal Type Tool

Horizontal Type Tool (T)

Horizontal Type Tool is a standard Photoshop tool for typing any text document in a photo. This tool adds your text horizontally.

adobe photshop Vertical Type Tool

Vertical Type Tool (T)

By Vertical Type Tool, you can add text type vertically in any photo document.

adobe photshop Vertical Type Mask Tool

Vertical Type Mask Tool (T)

When you select the Vertical Type mask Tool to type any word, it will create a word mask vertically instead of the letter shape.

adobe photshop Horizontal Type Mask Tool

Horizontal Type Mask Tool (T)

Also, when you select the Horizontal Type mask Tool to type any word, it will create a word mask Horizontal instead of the letter shape.

adobe photshop Path Selection Tool

Path Selection Tool (A)

Path Selection Tool uses to select and move the current path.

adobe photshop Direct Selection Tool

Direct Selection Tool (A)

You can select and move a path segment and anchor point by the Direct Selection Tool.

Rectangle Tool

Rectangle Tool (U)

Rectangle Tool is a rectangular vector path shape in Photoshop toolbar. If you need a rectangle shape drawing, you can use this tool.

Photoshop Rounded Rectangle Tool

Rounded Rectangle Tool (U)

Rounded Rectangle Tool allows the creation of a shape in Photoshop. If you need a round rectangle shape drawing, you can use this tool.

adobe photshop Ellipse Tool

Ellipse Tool (U)

Photoshop Ellipse Tool lets you make the shape of an ellipse. Press and hold the shift key if you need to draw a perfect circle.

photoshop Polygon Tool

Polygon Tool (U)

Polygon Tool allows you to draw a polygonal shape from any side.

adobe photshop Line Tool

Line Tool (U)

Line Tool helps to draw straight lines or arrows.

adobe photshop Custom Shape Tool

Custom Shape Tool (U)

Custom Shape Tool is a CC version Photoshop Tool. It lets you select and custom shape.

hand tool

Hand Tool (H)

Hand Tool allows you to move the image anywhere on the screen. Once you click on the hand tool, your mouse cursor turned into a hand shape. Now move it on the photo layer, then press and hold the left button. You can move the coating on your screen.

rotate view tool

Rotate View Tool (R)

This Photoshop Tool uses to rotate the canvas for viewing the image from different angles.

zoom tool

Zoom Tool (Z)

Zoom Tool is to zoom in and zoom out a photo. Click on the image after selecting the zoom tool will zoom in the picture, and for zoom out, press and hold Alt for Windows and Option for Mac and click on the image.

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