Professional Photo Editing | Retouching Services

Jewelry Photo Editing Service

Ways to Generate More Sale of Your Jewelry Products | Jewelry Photo Editing

In e-commerce business jewelry is a very demanding product. The customer collects their desired jewelry items from the online shops. To sell a product through online the shop owner need to display their product photos in their store. In this regards, they need a photo shoot of their jewelry perfectly. An eye-catching photo plays a vital role to increase the sale volumes.

After taking a Jewelry photo, there should have some faults which can damage the shine of the original photo. That’s why you should be careful about some common mistakes.

jewelry product photo editing service

Some common mistakes in jewelry product photography are flowing:

  • Inconsistency
  • Sloppy Preparation
  • Unnecessary Props
  • Busy Backgrounds
  • Inaccurate white balance
  • Soft focus
  • Reflections
  • Wishy-washy cropping & sizing
  • Contrasts Light
  • Few angles

To avoid the above things you can use some tips as follow:

  • At first, you need to check the camera settings. If everything is going okay then check the buttons for manual mood, auto mood, shutter speed & ISO settings.
  • Keep your camera aperture mood with F14 & lowest ISO on 100 or 200.
  • In the aperture moods, Shutter speed is automatically configured.
  • If you find the picture is clear then everything is going ok. If the image looks darker then again choose manual mood & set the aperture by F14.
  • Making the picture clear, tweak the shutter speed a little slower.

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If the above tip does not fulfill your requirement getting an eye-catching jewelry photo then you need to edit the photos using photoshop before uploading that to your online store. There are many ways in photoshop for making a jewelry product photo attractive.

Finally, you can give your photo an attractive look that can help you generate more sales. If you are still in problems then you have to hire an expert photo editor or photo editing service provider who can help you.

Feel free to contact us for any kind of help.

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